Sunday, February 6, 2011

Love and Marriage!!

When I was young, like most girls, I spent a lot of time day dreaming about my wedding day! I had a list about what I wanted or expected from my husband. He had to be at least 2 years older than me, (I think this is because that was my parents age gap, and I figured it worked well for them.) He needed to be tall dark and handsome, he needed to have money, he needed to be funny, kind, a great dancer, good  at all sports, strong, brave, HOT, he needed to want to pash me anywhere and anytime. Romantic, affectionate, and pretty much perfect. Although I was married at the tender age of 20, I did a bit of dating!! In fact quite a bit of dating. So I figured I was pretty experienced when it came to choosing the one I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. I thought choosing was the hard part and once that was done I could sit back and relax and that married life would be just like a  really long awesome date!!

I was wrong!! Marriage is hard work, there is lots of compromise but it is also in some ways much better than I could have hoped it would be. Today is my 14th wedding anniversary, I think back to my list and I got a good one, except for the public pashes, the dancing, and the money, he has everything on the list, and aside from the dancing he is working on the other two!! He also has so many things that were not even on my list. Like the fact he is the best dad ever, he is slow to anger, he is forgiving, patient, humble, an amazing listener and completely self-less. These things are even more important than anything I wanted as a 20year old.

On friday night Dame had a work dinner in the city, we dropped the kids at mums, Timmy took some pics for us, and we headed out on our hot date!! On the way home we drove past the place Dame proposed to me, and it felt like it was just yesterday!! I am guessing the next 14 years will go just as fast, and I am confident they will be just as great!!

1 comment:

  1. GREAT post Jess. You are a great writer, seriously. Very talented. Unlike many bloggers, you are able to be real and objective about your life and relationship. And you are able allow people to be happy for you because you aren't bragging and it is clear you are being yourself and authentic. Congrats on 14 years, *clink. You are beautiful inside and out and I am glad to know you and call you my friend. Xo
