Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Second Time Around!

When I was pregnant with my second baby, I was really worried I would not be able to love him as much as my first. Laith had been my world for 2years and 4months. I studied early childhood education for 2 years before getting married and deferring my degree - indefinitely! So Laith was pretty much by the book. I knew all of the developmental stages he should be at, and I made sure he was ahead of them, I ran each day like a mini pre-school, we painted, played with play dough, had song time. I wondered how I could manage another baby, and how I could dedicate the same time to this second child.

My pregnancy with Noah was completely different, I was convinced he was a girl. When they handed him to me I thought they had made a mistake. He looked nothing like Laith, and he was a he! Within a day of him being born he became sick and was whisked away. They never found out what was wrong with him but it was a traumatic week. He had 4 lumbar punctures, and was hooked up to drips and machines. By now I already knew I couldn't live without him, and I was desperate for him to get better. I prayed and cried, and was sure I was going to lose him. Then just like that he was better.

The first two years of Noahs life was spent in and out of Doctors and hospitals, he was not thriving he was vomiting everything he ate, it was a stressful time. He was still a happy baby, and despite all of the medical intervention he rarely cried or whinged. When he turned 2 he got better.

When I look back on those early years I realise that so much of his personality was formed back then. He is happy, he is laid back, he is happy to not be made a fuss over. He is easily pleased, he is the most compassionate kid I have ever met. He cries in sad movies, he hates it when his brothers or sister get into trouble. He is a loyal friend, he is funny.  Noah is crazy talented! His drawings are incredible, he blows me away! He is a great sharer, he got about 10 packets of gum (gum is pretty much illegal in our family, so its very precious) for his birthday and its half gone, he has given it all away. That's just what he does.  He is a  really amazing kid.!

Noah was 10yesterday. When ever my kids have birthdays I think about their personalities and how they are each such a vital part of our family. We really need each other, the family dynamics would be so different if just one of us was missing.

 Noah is my least cuddly kid, but on the occasions that he does snuggle into me, I know how lucky I am, not just that he is cuddling me, but that he is mine!!

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