Monday, July 25, 2011

Buying Affection!!

When I was a little girl dad would take us all down the corner store on a Monday afternoon with 20cents to buy a bag of lollies from Sam's shop! It was the highlight of our week. In our mixed bag of lollies there would be teeth, chalk, freckles, caramel and milk buds, and some raspberries. We loved it, and we loved dad for taking us.

Last Monday night my parents drove up to see us and dad took my kids down to the corner store, this time they each got $5.00 yep times have changed. $5.00 is more money than my twins have ever seen! It is definitely more money than any of my kids have ever spent on lollies at any one time, but they loved Poppy for it. It reminded me of when I was a little girl and how much I loved buying lollies with my dad.

They came home with a shopping bag full of lollies. They ate their lollies until they went to bed and again as soon as they woke up in the morning. I didn't mind, but Dame was not impressed.
Yesterday as I was getting ready for church Oliver came in and started to ask if he could have a muesli bar. Every morning as soon as he has eaten his breakfast he begins begging for food such as cookies, muesli bars, chips, basically some form of junk food. I can be a bit of a softy, because I like eating junk food every morning too!! Dame is firmer. So when he began begging Dame did not hesitate in saying, no! He continued to ask over and over, "But I really want one" "But I really need one" "I just want a muesli bar" "Give me one now" All the while getting louder and more annoying. I would have caved, if Dame wasn't there. Oli knows this so he was pretty determined to make me cave. Finally after more sooking I stood firm and said "No" Then, sensing I was about to weaken, I said "Daddy says no" So Oliver says with some serious attitude "I wonder what Poppy would say if he was dad!"

The cost of affection - $5.00!!

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