Friday, April 1, 2011

Labours of Love

Our eldest child turned 12 yesterday. I struggle to believe I have a 12 year old. I remember very clearly when I turned 12. It does not seem that long ago! On Thursday night I was up making cookies for Laith to take into school the next day. I did not go to bed until friday morning at 1:57am!! That means a lot of quiet thinking time, as I baked the cookies.

I thought back to that night 12years ago before he was born. I was nervous and excited to finally be meeting this baby I had carried inside me and felt moving for so long. I was enormous with Laith, I had pre-eclampsia, and looked like someone had put a pump in my mouth and pumped me up til I was about to explode! It was not pretty. I was excited to meet my baby and to see my ankles again!

I thought about my labour with Laith, which was HELL!! He was a forceps delivery, and that is all I will say about that. He was just over 9pounds and felt he like I was birthing a watermelon, not a baby! During the whole labour I was saying over and over " I am never doing this again!" "I am never doing this again!" Then as soon as they handed him to me, I was bawling like a baby and I said "I want to do this again!!" Everyone was laughing, but I was instantly in love. He was perfect. He was mine. I cannot express in words how overwhelmed I was with love in that instant. He was worth all that hard work and sacrifice and would be worth any other work or sacrifice I would be required to make throughout his life.

Laith is pretty much a perfect kid, he has always been incredibly mature and responsible. He is so aware and sensitive to the needs of others, he is passionate about the environment, the is completely dedicated to his studies, he is affectionate, thoughtful, and he loves to laugh. He is organised and passionate. He is such a great example to his siblings, and he is my friend.

I thought about those things, I thought about the times he will come and sit next to me on the couch and cuddle me. The mornings he hops into bed with me for a chat. The times he will ask what I need help with and then just go and do it. I thought about the people he chooses to be friends with, and that he has never ever been in trouble at school. I thought about all the awards he has won, and how he is not at all boastful! I thought about him awake on Australia Day morning making breakfast for our family! I felt really glad that I could be up til 2am making cookies, making his day special because he is such a special kid.

I am so blessed that I get to play a part in Laiths life. I know Laith is going to achieve great things in his life, he already has. I am his mum, I get to share in those highs, and comfort him in the lows, right now my opinion matters to him more than anyone. Labours of love like giving birth or making cookies at 2am, are more love, less labour! And being a mum really is something I love. Happy birthday Laith, I could not be more proud of you.

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