Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bossy Boots!!

I have just been sitting outside with my twins eating lunch on our deck, while they chat to me about stuff! Whenever my kids talk to me they make me laugh!! Sienna has her dancing concert coming up in a bit over a week, she is very excited! She loves dancing, and she is especially excited about wearing lipstick! She was just telling me all about her dream, about her has lots of stairs going up up up, there are chairs everywhere and purple curtains, and she is going to dance high on the big big stage with a floor and everyone will watch her! After she finished telling me, she said  "thats what I have been dreaming about!"As she was telling me all of this in great detail and even greater expression and animation, Oliver who was sitting on my lap did a huge fart, then burst out laughing. Straight away Sienna told him off, and said in disbelief  "Oli, you are supposed to say excuse me!!" Oli just kept laughing and threw his head back and said "but I can't talk,... it's too funny!!"

Sienna loves to help, she also loves to boss people around and tell them what they should be doing, she even tells Oli what to say when they are playing with the little people together. Yesterday I overheard them playing and Oli  was repeating everything she was saying. I said "Oli you should say your own words, Sienna let Oli say what he wants to." and she replied "but he doesnt know how to do it mum!"

When they were about 18months old, I would take them shopping and people would always stop and say "Ow twins you are so lucky" then they would look at the twins and ask  "what are your names?"  Sienna would always say "Hi, Im Sienna, that is Oliver he's shy."

Oliver is definately not shy anymore, but  sure enough Sienna is still telling him what to say!!




  1. You sure do have some cute kiddies Jess :)

  2. I always enjoy the Ollie and Sienna stories. You could write a book about what they say. They are so funny together. And adorable. When is the concert? I want to come.
